Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thrusters and pull-ups

From CrossFit Connection:
No...its not FRAN....but I think it might be worse...ok maybe not worse but longer with way more reps and its going to put a BIG dose of HURT on. I know those first few rounds will feel ok the after that the minute rest is going to feel like it is getting smaller and smaller and smaller.
  • 1 Minute of Thrusters (95 lbs/ 65 lbs)
  • 1 Minute of Pull ups
  • 1 Minute of REST
7 Rounds.

Wow, this was hard. First set was great (32), but it was a quick down-hill after that with my last three sets at 16, 16, and 18. Felt quite sick during the entire thing and it took me quite a while to recover afterward.

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