Made the mistake of doing my first round with 85lbs. Did the remainder of the WOD with 75lbs. The DU's and cleans are not my best movement. Definitely weak points, here.
Egads, today's WOD was a tough one. I care barely raise my arms. Three rounds of:
300 meter run
10 x overhead squats (115 lbs) - I did 95 lbs
10 x push-presses
10 x bent over rows
10 x thrusters
10 x push-ups
10 x pull-ups
Time: 27:16
Of note, I've pretty much given up on the pronated pull-ups. I can actually do a pretty decent supinated pull-up in which I flail my body enough to do a fairly decent kipping pull-up. Gonna work at this for a while and see where it goes.
Did DT today for the first time, and I couldn't do it fully prescribed. Instead of doing 155 lbs I could only muster 135 lbs. It was the hang-cleans that I found particularly challenging. DT is five rounds of:
I'm a 41 year old male (6' 1", 195 lbs) who joined Oakville's Canadian CrossFit in September 2008; and I started working out at Burlington's CrossFit Connection in September 2009. Aside from some jogging and yoga I've never really been athletic; weight-training and gymnastics are completely new to me. CrossFit is an opportunity for me to increase my fitness and push myself to new levels.
This blog is where I record the details of my workouts, track my progress and note my PRs.