Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Deadlift strength work + WOD

Buy in: Deadlifts: 5 x 65% of max (235lbs); 5 x 75% of max (275lbs); max reps of 85% (310lbs) of max (managed 6 lifts).


21 Deadlifts 225 lbs/155 lbs
4 rounds of :
5 Deadhang Pullups
10 Release Push Ups
15 Wall Ball

15 Deadlifts 225/155 lbs
3 rounds of :
5 Deadhang Pullups
10 Release Push Ups
15 Wall Ball

9 Deadlifts 225/155 lbs
2 rounds of :
5 Deadhang Pullups
10 Release Push Ups
15 Wall Ball

Time: 22:49

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



For time:
25 Jump Squats
25 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
1 Rope ascent [I did the scaled rope climb from the lying position x 3]

25 Ring Rows
25 Ring dips
50 Double Unders
1 Rope Ascent

25 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
25 Kettlebell Sumo deadlifts30 Sit-ups
50 Sit Ups
1 Rope Ascent

25 Back extensions
25 Push ups
50 wall ball
1 Rope climb ascent

Time = 25:57

Monday, September 27, 2010

Strength work + Power cleans/Hanging squat cleans/push presses


Strict Press: 5 reps at 65% max; 5 reps at 75% of max; AMRAP unbroken at 85% of max (i.e. 75lbs, 85lbs, 100lbs)

For round three, I did five reps before maxing out.

WOD: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes (95/65 first 3 rounds, 105/75 next three rounds, 115/85 next three rounds, 125/95 last three rounds)
  • 3 Power Cleans
  • 3 Hanging Squat Cleans
  • 3 Push Press
I hung in there until the very end!


20 AB Rollouts

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Max back squat + weighted lunges & box jumps

Max back squat: 245 lbs (PR).

Partner WOD: 15 minutes:
  • 100m weighted lunges (45 lbs)
  • Box jumps (24")
  • Every minute on the minute: 3 burpees

This is a partner WOD; one person does the lunges while the other does the box jumps; they alternate when the lunger returns from his 100m jaunt.

Score = total # of box jumps = 160

Friday, September 24, 2010

Max bench press + thrusters and KB swings

BUY IN : Determine 1 rep Max Bench Press: 135 lbs

WOD: Six rounds of:

  • 1 Minute of Thrusters 115 lbs/ 80 lbs
  • 1 Minute of KB Swings 24 kg/16 kg
  • 1 Minute of REST

Results: 39, 30, 30, 34, 20, 22 = 174
* I executed no less than nine thrusters per round.

Now THAT was a tough WOD.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sprint work

BUY IN : 30 Back Extension on GHD (if you missed it yesterday)


200 M Sprint

REST 1 Minute

400 M Sprint

REST 2 Minutes

600 M Sprint

REST 3 Minutes

3 Rounds

Time: 27:23

CASH OUT : 30 Sit Ups on GHD

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Max deadlifts

Max deadlifts today: Set a PR (my third in three days): 365lbs (previous PR was 355lbs). Followed it up with a row for 20 minutes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Max push press + 12 min AMRAP

Buy in: Max push press = 165lbs (PR)

WOD: As many rounds as possible in 12 Minutes of:
  • 3 Push Press @ 75 % of 1 rep max
  • 6 Clapping Push ups
  • 9 Toes to Bar
Lifted 125lbs; completed 7 rounds. Very nice. Oh, and that's two PRs in as many days.

Monday, September 20, 2010

OH Squat & Pull-ups ladder + Strength work

Buy In: Max strict press = 115lbs (PR)


Overhead Squat 95 lbs/65 lbs
Pull ups

This is a ladder.....

Minute 1 - 1 rep OH squat - 1 rep pull up
Minute 2 - 2 reps OH squat - 2 reps pull ups
Minute 3 - 3 reps OH squat - 3 reps pull ups

etc......until you can't keep up; as soon as you can't keep pace: 1 Mile Run

Managed to get to 8 reps with an 85lbs bar.

Cash out: 20 ring dips + 10 strict pull-ups

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Element CrossFit Team Challenge 2010

My team finished in 9th place in the scaled division at the Element CrossFit Team Challenge 2010. Check out the action:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tabata type WOD

Last WOD before the Element Team Challenge:

20 seconds on, 10 seconds off; rest 1 minute after every two rounds; for 8 rounds:
  • Thrusters x 95 lbs
  • Box jumps x 24"
  • SDHP x 95 lbs
  • Sit-ups

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5k run

Ran 5k today.

Friday, September 10, 2010


BUY IN : Work up to your max Box Jump Height: 36" (PR)


100 m Broad Jump - count the number of jumps (this is x)

My x = 29

x - Lunges - only count 1 side so 2 steps equals 1 lunge
x- Deadlifts 185 lbs/135 lbs
x - Box Jumps 24/20
x - Floor Wipers 135 lbs/95 lbs (lifted 115 pounds)

Time = 12:39

CASH OUT : yesterdays mobility WOD as we didn't get to it. ( Shoulders& Hips)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

5k row

Been a while since I did a 5,000m row, forgot how much it sucked. Did it in 19:25.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Second time doing Badger. The last time I did it was in October of 2009 when I completed it in 46:11. I managed to do a bit better this time around, but was battling seizing calves during the workout. And a bit of upset stomach :-( Time = 39:02. I also managed to do the first 30 pull-ups totally prescribed, with the last 60 of the jumping variety, so I'm still a ways off from completing this one as Rx.

Badger is three rounds of:
  • 30 x squat cleans (95/65)
  • 30 x pull-ups
  • 800m run

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


  • Push Press 95 lbs/65 lbs - max reps in 30 seconds
  • Wall Ball 20 lbs/12lbs - max reps in 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
6 Rounds
Rest 3 minutes
  • Sumo Deadlift Highpull 95 lbs/65 lbs - max reps in 30 seconds
  • KB Swing 24/16kg - max reps in 30 seconds

Rest 30 seconds
6 Rounds

CASH OUT : Shoulder Mobility WOD 6 minutes

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pick up those dumbells

Labour Day WOD:
  • 300 m Farmers walk with dumbells 35/ 25 lbs
  • 30 DB Squat Cleans 35/25 lbs
  • 300 m Farmers walk with DB's
  • 30 Steps Overhead Lunge with 1 DB
  • 300 m Farmers walk with DB's
  • 30 Man Makers 35/25 lbs
  • 300 m Farmers walk with DB's
  • 30 Toes to Bar
Time = 29:09 @ 25lbs (which was a good call)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Team Fight Gone Bad

Cool workout today: Fight Gone Bad with a teammate. Stations were 90 seconds instead of 60, and weights were 95/65 instead of 75/45. And we wrapped it all off with a mile tag-team run.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Learn new skills

BUY IN: One minute handstand hold with one negative rep at the end of the minute.

  • 400 m Run
  • 15 Ring Pull ups
  • 15 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls 115 lbs/80 lbs
  • 15 Knees to Elbows on Rings
  • 400 m Run
  • 9 Ring Pull Ups
  • 9 SDLHP
  • 9 Knees to Elbows
  • 400 m Run
  • 6 Ring Pull ups
  • 6 SDLHP
  • 6 Knees to Elbows on Rings
  • 400 m Run
Time = 14:54 @ 95lb sumos.

CASH OUT : Mobility WOD gastrocs and's your calves man. We spent three minutes on each leg.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ten to to ten

Today's WOD:

Run 300 M
10 Bar Hop Burpees
Jump Squats 65 lbs/45lbs
Push Press 65 lbs/45lbs
reps of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Run 300 M
10 Bar Hop Burpees
Jump Squats
Push Press
reps of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Run 300 M
10 Bar Hop Burpees

Time = 24 minutes and change.

CASH OUT : Hip extension stretching 3 minutes per side.