Goal: 265lbs.
Followed by: five rounds for time (115lbs for the guys/75lbs for the girls)
- 5 Curtis P's
- 10 toes to bar
- 5 box jumps
You had to know it couldn't last ALL week........so one little day of something HEAVY, and in the grand scheme of things it isn't really heavy at all...if I asked you to back squat 135 lbs or 95 lbs you would think it was a joke it's just the extra challenge of putting that same weight OVERHEAD and squatting with it that makes it difficult....Shoulder STABILITY and FLEXIBILITY along with mid-line STRENGTH thats what the OVERHEAD SQUAT is all about. Keep working on it!!!!Today's WOD:
We decided to finish up the end of the week with a nasty grind of a workout. MAKE IT HEAVY means make it worthwhile. Do it with intensity and you'll really see gains.Training with intensity is how you see positive results in a short period of time. Unfortunately, training with intensity also sucks, hurts alot while you're doing it, can make you puke, has made some cry....you catch my drift... so not a lot of people can gut it out on a regular basis. Huge kudos to all of you who stay consistent! You know who you are!
No...its not FRAN....but I think it might be worse...ok maybe not worse but longer with way more reps and its going to put a BIG dose of HURT on. I know those first few rounds will feel ok the after that the minute rest is going to feel like it is getting smaller and smaller and smaller.WOD
Doing high reps at a light weight might be good as a metabolic conditioning workout (provided you are doing full body functional movements at high intensity) or it might be pretty much useless if you are doing things like curls and triceps kickbacks. Lifting heavy things is the only way to get stronger and getting stronger should be your goal regardless of whether you are a man or a woman young or old. Strength is the most important of the 10 components of fitness because it is the one that will improve your quality of life as you age. The stronger you are now...the stronger you will be when you are 80......being strong at 80 mean the difference between being able to get up a set of stairs or being able to pick up a bag of groceries. Cardiovascular conditioning is important...BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF STRENGTH....WOD: 5 rounds of:
"Strong people are harder to kill"
There is no better movement for developing functional strength than the deadlift. Not only will it make you more able in day to day life but strengthening your posterior chain will also alleviate so many common back problems. Most of people's complaints of back and neck pain is a result of a weak core and posterior chain....not degenerative disk disease or whatever else your chiro or doctor might scare you with. As we age we all experience SOME degeneration of our discs in our spine, its part of the aging process...its what we do with this that makes the differance. Deadlift HEAVY to give you a strong back and improve your posture and you will be amazed at much better you will feel. Passive therapies like massage, chiro, acupuncture etc will help to alleviate some of the symptoms of back pain but they will not fix the problem...increasing your functional strength will fix the problem.WOD
Quarter Gone Bad Lite consists of:
Note: After the 45 sec rest finishing the Burpees, you go right away to the next round. The regular version of this WOD calls for a 135lbs thruster and a 50lbs weighted pull-up.
Score = 78. Happy about that -- did it totally prescribed.
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.Score: 232 (PR). Previous best: 206.